Save Islington
Save Islington's buses

Islington’s public transport accounts for nearly a third of all journeys made across the borough. With only walking more popular with local people.

As we attempt to tackling the Climate Emergency, use of public transport becomes even more important.

Yet, the Tories are trying to cut public transport in Islington, by refusing to fund Transport for London.

Local people did the right thing during the pandemic by staying at home. But because many commuters have not returned to the office five days a week, TfL fares have plummeted.

TfL is one of the only major transport networks in the world which doesn’t receive any central government grant.

Shamefully, the Conservatives are still refusing to provide the long-term funding deal that TfL requires to keep services running.

TfL’s lack of funding means 10% of Tube services and 1 in 5 bus routes are at risk of closure, including the 271. 

That’s why we’re calling on the Tory Government to provide TfL with the funding it needs and protect the vital public transport services local people rely on.

Sign our petition below to save Islington’s buses from Tory threats:

Save Islington's buses

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